2022-2023, Oberschefflenz / DE
In 1974, the Protestant church community acquired the old kindergarten and used the building as a parish hall until October 2022. In addition to declining membership, the community was confronted with the poor structural condition of the building and had to abandon it. Nevertheless, there was a desire to breathe a second life into it as a multi-generational building to counteract the urgently needed housing shortage in rural areas.
Status: Design Study
Program: Conversion, Multi-Generational Housing
Client: Prokiba GmbH I Kirchliches Bauen
Net Floor Area: 485m2
2022-2023, Oberschefflenz / DE
In 1974, the Protestant church community acquired the old kindergarten and used the building as a parish hall until October 2022. In addition to declining membership, the community was confronted with the poor structural condition of the building and had to abandon it. Nevertheless, there was a desire to breathe a second life into it as a multi-generational building to counteract the urgently needed housing shortage in rural areas.
Status: Design Study
Program: Conversion, Multi-Generational Housing
Client: Prokiba GmbH I Kirchliches Bauen
Net Floor Area: 485m2